Saturday, October 9, 2010

Leftist "journalist" sneers at story of Campbell's Soup doing business with Hamas-linked ISNA

This story about Campbell's Soups in Canada introducing a halal line has gone all over the place -- mostly to hard-Left sites that, either out of ignorance or complicity, missed the main point. Many predictably cried "bigotry!," pretending that I was objecting to the idea of a halal soup line in general. Actually, I couldn't care less if Campbell's Soup introduces a halal line: if there are Muslims in Canada who will buy the soup, then that's the free market for you. Nor is it a sign of Sharia coming to America, unless Campbell's is planning to make all of its products halal, which it is not.

The real problem here is that Campbell's is getting halal certification from the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). At TPMMuckraker, hard-Left pseudo-journalistic ideologue Rachel Slajda implies that the links between ISNA, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are coming from me, rather than being demonstrable fact; she does deign to tell her luckless readers that "ISNA was, along with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and other Muslim American organizations, named as a co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial," but doesn't see fit to inform them further that the Holy Land Foundation trial was all about funding Hamas.

In reality, ISNA has admitted ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. Campbell's Soup should know better, although it must also be noted at the same time that they'd be hard-pressed to find a halal authority that didn't have some unsavory ties to an Islamic supremacist and/or jihadist group, whether it be the Brotherhood or one of its allied organizations. That is the chief viable argument against any introduction of halal food lines by any company.


  1. I mean... I see the big picture here... (I think...) but what I'm wondering is... why can't they just make the damn soup?... it's soup...

  2. Lots of bullshitting here and there... As mentioned above, just make the damn soup!

  3. Really interesting. Keep it up!

  4. Ehh. Good attempt, a little bit of BS sometimes.

  5. good job here!

    you just inspired more bubbles on "Enhanced by MS Paint"... check it out!

  6. I think we all just want the soup!

  7. this post made me open my eyes and stop squinting!!!

  8. you've got a great point on this one

  9. companies continue to trash their reputation. Idk about you guys but that definitely decides whether or not I buy from them.

  10. awesome post, bro! waiting for MOAR

  11. interesting stuff sir; soup sure can cause a lot of drama.
